[Sub ID 4538] Incentives for retailers to employ young people (National Retail Association)

Submission ID: 4538
Organisation name: National Retail Association
Contact name: Ms Yvonne Williams
State: QLD
Contact email: y.williams@nra.net.au
Contact number: 073201010

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents, Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Nationally, initiatives and incentives to encourage employers to hire young people are promoted by RTO’s, Job Actives and Government Departments. However, unless employers are already engaged in the system, they know very little of these organisations and their purpose. Changes in recent years to the employment and training system have created confusion amongst employers.

Retail is an important industry for young people seeking an entry-level job, the industry most likely to employ a young person and teach them transferable employability skills. Additionally, retail employs a high proportion of young women, and offers casual work for those looking to return to work after starting a family.

The Australian Government Department of Employment highlighted in Australian Jobs 2016:
– Retail trade is the second largest employer in Australia with over 1.2 million workers, largest employer of young people, and employs in all locations across Australia.
– Jobs growth over the next five years in Retail is projected to be 106,000.

Support to employers in navigating the system is essential. The more we can assist employers in understanding the system, the more job opportunities we create in an industry with real job opportunities for young people.

What is your idea?
Our idea is to generate more retail employment opportunities for young people by creating a more employer led approach, by raising awareness and linking employers to the existing opportunities and incentives that are available to retail employers if they employ a young person. We believe that if employers know about the opportunities, and support is readily available, they will be more likely to take advantage of incentives and employ more young people.

The NRA works actively with retailers of all sizes to ensure the interests and needs of the retail and services sectors are understood and promoted. NRA’s member engagement programs help to identify issues of concern for business and industry and help direct NRA’s policy and lobbying strategies on behalf of members.

It is from this position of being a trusted source for retail employers, rather than an alternative stakeholder that retailers do not normally connect with, that the NRA proposes to raise awareness of the existing opportunities, such as traineeships, financial incentives through Job Actives, the new Jobs PATH program and various state initiatives. We believe this awareness will highlight to employers the opportunities available and the benefits to their business of employing young people.