[Sub ID 4598] Flexible working, peer employment, and employment preparation programs (Business Group Australia)

Submission ID: 4598
Organisation name: Business Group Australia
Contact name: Mr Jim Syrmas
State: SA
Contact email: jsyrmas@dodo.com.au
Contact number: 0411590855

 Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Industry stakeholders agree that improving the workforce participation of the priority groups could ease the pressure of skill shortages and bring broader benefits to the hospitality and tourism industry. Business Group Australia will work with relevant Industry Associations and their members, employment service providers, training and community organisations to examine regional and industry based solutions that;
– Address emerging labour and skills shortages in the Sector.
– Introduce strategies that support the groups take up of opportunities for sustainable employment in the sector thereby reducing long-term welfare dependence

Evidence shows that the priority group invariably have a range of barriers to employment, making many of them uncompetitive in the labour market as well as vulnerable to discrimination by prospective employers. The proposed initiative will aim to establish sustainable employment opportunities by developing appropriate interventions for addressing non-participation including;
– Employer misconceptions about the ‘cost’ of employing from this group
– Caring responsibilities
– Lack of recent or relevant work experience
– Limited training – including significant disincentive to developing the skills needed to successfully secure a job in the Industry
– Transport difficulties
– Costs of securing a job
– Marginal engagement with employment services

What is your idea?
The idea is to trial ‘place – based’ mechanisms that provide an integrated range of training, employment and retention options through a delivery model that encapsulates the following key elements –

Working with Employers to make reasonable adjustments to employment arrangements and workplace practices to cater for the needs of the target groups such as;
– Flexible work arrangements to allow participants to balance work with family and caring responsibilities i.e. exploring flexibility in – start and finish times; rostering and shifts; working time; leave arrangements; work locations etc.
– Job Design and job carving etc. as a means of maximising the use of priority group in employer vacancies enhancing their capacity to cope with fluctuations and ensure maximum coverage at critical times.

Establishing Innovative Peer Employment groups – as an employment model that introduces a high level of autonomy. Participants can work together in self directed groups to self-roster to meet all the tasks that need to be fulfilled in identified vacancies with some control over working hours and the capacity to organise and share their caring responsibilities.

Customised Screening & Employment Preparation Programs – technology solutions incorporating specific screening & assessment processes relevant to each participant’s industry entry point and tailored flexible training services to carers to update their skills and address self-esteem or self-confidence issues.

Targeted Models of Support- to help sustain motivation and work expectations, including guided support to Peer Employment Groups to make the transition into employment including – ‘hands on’ teaching and mentoring and retention strategies.