[Sub ID 4622] Industry Literacy and Numeracy Program (KGT Employment)

Submission ID: 4622
Organisation name: KGT Employment
Contact name: Mr Ian Warrener
State: WA
Contact email: IANW@KGT.ORG.AU
Contact number: 0891683808

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents, Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Our research overwhelmingly identifies literacy as the main barrier for people entering the workforce in the Kimberley region. Coupled with this is the issue of engaging people into programs that provide assistance with literacy due to ‘shame’ factors.

From assessments conducted by KGT between 2011 and 2013, 75% of candidates presenting for employment opportunities lacked sufficient literacy to engage in a Certificate II or higher level program. Cognitive testing carried out alongside the literacy assessments showed that 20% lacked sufficient cognitive function to learn at that level. Therefore 55% of candidates did not present sufficient literacy however possessed the ability to learn at a Certificate II level.

While our assessment was targeted at candidates seeking employment through traineeships and apprenticeships, other employers have expressed similar issues. In particular, the ability to read safety warnings or to read instructions on mixing chemicals was a pre-requisite on mine and construction sites, as well as in agriculture and other industries perceived as being more physical and less technical.

These assessments were targeted at Indigenous people as they make up a large percentage of the unemployed people in our region and would certainly be the majority in terms of young parents and carers.

What is your idea?
Our idea is centred on the development and delivery of literacy and numeracy programs disguised as industry skills programs.

The intent is to engage participants through industry skills programs which have literacy and numeracy components embedded within them. Literacy and numeracy will be delivered in a contextualised manner that is more readily digested and understood. Literacy and numeracy relevant to the specific industry is the focus of the delivery, rather than general literacy and numeracy without any practical application. This ensures the engagement of the participants in learning the necessary literacy and numeracy to move into employment.

Additional employment skills will also be included where necessary in order to ensure maximum results from for the program. These will cover health and well-being, money management and other such programs that support individuals make informed choices about engagement in work.