[Sub ID 4645] Extended support for young people in care services (Forrest Personnel Limited)

Submission ID: 4645
Organisation name: Forrest Personnel Limited
Contact name: Mrs Jackie Graham
State: WA
Contact email: jacalyn.graham@fpi.org.au
Contact number: 0401486570

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents, Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Vulnerable young people who have been placed in substantial care of the Department of Child Protection, Foster Care or group homes leave the structure of care services with little to no family or social support outside of the formal networks.

Often these young people have experienced trauma, multiple care arrangements, they are at risk educationally and socially and are disengaged from seeking assistance from further services and have no capacity to navigate the process to employment. These young people are often at risk of becoming young parents, taking on caring responsibilities and require support during this period of transition to avoid this becoming a reality and leading to long term unemployment and welfare reliance. “Kids in Care” planning resources cease and these young people need the assistance of external services. This is something that I have witnessed myself in my capacity of being a social worker.

What is your idea?
Through transitioning from care services to independence our purpose is to better support young people at risk of becoming carers, parents and long term unemployed with their complex needs and their carers and families. A coordinated and integrated approach is used to ensure that this cohort receive the best possible services and supports.