[Sub ID 4737] Post-placement training and support (St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland)

Submission ID: 4737
Organisation name: St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland
Contact name: Mr Nathan Middlebrook
State: QLD
Contact email: nathan.middlebrook@svdpqld.org.au
Contact number: 0730101019

Both Commonwealth and state/territory Government’s have developed and funded many effective initiatives over the past decade to help unemployed people find work. These programs have helped improve the workforce participation of various cohorts and reduced the number of people on benefits. However, too many people still do not stay in work once they have found it and more now needs to be done to address the problems faced by jobseekers who cycle between work and welfare.

Our idea is new and innovative in that it aims to bridge the gap between subsidised skilling/employment and the open labour market. In other words, breaking the cycle of churn and sustaining meaningful employment and labour force participation.

Our initial methodology of working closely with youth to identify barriers to their agency and mediating support by negotiating with employers is innovative. The program is based on proven models (i.e. SQW, ParentsNext) but extends them by including support through the key stages of initial employment.