[Sub ID 4758] National Program for Job Readiness (Anglicare Victoria)

Submission ID: 4758
Organisation name: Anglicare Victoria
Contact name: Ms Jodie Belyea
State: VIC
Contact email: jodie.belyea@anglicarevic.org.au

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents, Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
There are in existence a large number of programs and qualifications that engage and support vulnerable young people. What is missing is a nationally developed and accredited approach to responding to this issue and the specific needs of the Tranche 1 target group. Such an approach would generate a national discourse; facilitate the collection of data; allow for sharing of resources and most importantly support vulnerable young careers, young parents and young students to transition from welfare to work.

The impact of this gap is that available funding, resources and knowledge is dissipated across a wide range of project-based approaches. Locally developed programs are important, but without a national framework on which to build them another full development approach is adopted, rather than building on previous systems, frameworks and successes.

Finally, and most importantly, young people are a mobile population however they become ‘tied’ to a particular program and often unable to transfer their skills and knowledge gained when they relocate. The opportunity here is to better meet the needs of the target group by ensuring access to a national program that is portable and able to track their progress along the way, enabling them to progress and transition into the world of work.

What is your idea?
Our idea to address these needs is to develop a national program model for young carers, young parents and young students to become confident and job ready. This program would include:

  • A national qualification within the VET system at an Australian Qualifications Framework Level 2 & 3 that incudes core and elective units that build relevant skills sets drawn from existing training packages. Units would build and develop the skills sets of learners using a range of experiential teaching methodologies applicable to varying learning styles and abilities. Elective units would build competence in specific areas experienced by young carers and young parents, such as barriers to learning and development; understanding parenting and caring; which significantly impede engagement in employment or further studies.
  • Wrap-around support services including case management would address personal barriers to work and enable the young person to make a successful transition into employment, education or training. Case management and counselling would address the impact of trauma in their lives, enabling them to participate in society.
  • Links to industry through mentoring and work experience.
  • Transition into employment or further education or training.