[Sub ID 4787] Self-directed career plans for carers (Carers NSW)

Submission ID: 4787
Organisation name: Carers NSW
Contact name: Ms Sarah Judd-Lam
State: NSW
Contact email: sarahj@carersnsw.org.au
Contact number: 9280 4744

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers

What need or issue are you trying to address?
It is often difficult for young carers to find employment that is flexible enough to accommodate their caring role. Many young carers also experience financial barriers to participating in the workforce, such as transport costs (including public transport fares and the costs associated with running a private vehicle, such as driving lessons, licence and registration fees, petrol and ongoing maintenance and insurance), telecommunications costs and other incidentals.

Personalised career guidance and planning focused on flexible industries that accommodate individual caring responsibilities while providing meaningful employment, and a small amount of grant-based funding towards the costs mentioned above, could therefore increase the workforce participation of young carers.

Carers NSW has acquired this understanding as a result of supporting young carers through the Carers NSW Young Carer program, consultation with young carer leaders and representatives in relation to this submission, and our analysis of data from the 41 young carer respondents to the Carers NSW 2016 Carer Survey.

What is your idea?
Young carers would be supported to develop a self-directed career plan. The plan would capture short and long term goals tailored to the young carer’s individual skills, experience and career options and aspirations, and be subject to regular review. It would also identify the supports required for the young carer to achieve their goals, including, for example: internships, start up support, vocational training, job search skills, networking opportunities and career mentoring.

A modest personal budget would be allocated as part of the plan, linking identified minimal, ongoing and/or one-off capital investment (that is not subsidised elsewhere) to support access to employment in line with the plan goals. Subject to approval from the career planner, this funding could be put towards, for example, purchasing business attire, completing a short course to hone a certain skill (such as using an industry-relevant software package), a monthly internet subscription, tutoring sessions, membership of a professional network, or driving lessons.