[Sub ID 4794] Mom-trepreneurs (ILA)

Submission ID: 4794
Organisation name: ILA
Contact name: Ms Tami Harriott
State: QLD
Contact email: tharriot@usc.edu.au
Contact number: 0405710207

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young parents

What need or issue are you trying to address?
According to the New Economy business forum – “Losing the young is the biggest challenge for an innovative Sunshine Coast.”

In light of these statements, we have identified disadvantaged group of young mothers (15-24 year olds) are most likely at risk for welfare dependency. Evidence suggests this target group has one of the highest unemployment rates on the Sunshine Coast. Females are significantly disadvantaged by their gender, and becoming parents at an early age reduces their ability to get and keep a job.

Underemployment and unemployment continues to be the catalyst for many social issues. This economic model is also a leading cause for domestic violence. We believe the way to fully utilize young mothers, is to help them develop their skills as entrepreneurs.

Young women on the Sunshine Coast are more likely to have:
– No job or low job prospect
– Low graduation rate and no qualification
– Family Responsibilities
– High Likelihood of lifetime welfare dependence
– Costs the system up to $547,000 in support payments in a lifetime

What is your idea?
Introducing Mom-trepreneurs: Developing sustainable economic outcomes for women.

What we do:

  1. We help women create new enterprise by collaborating with other women
  2. We help women utilise existing shared-economy platforms to generate income
  3. We capacity build to develop commercial skills
  4. We invest in commercial activities created by women
  5. We invest in women