[Sub ID 4808] Young people app (MDA LTD)

Submission ID: 4808
Organisation name: MDA LTD
Contact name: Ms Jill Armstrong
State: QLD
Contact email: jilla@mdaltd.org.au
Contact number: 0749212222

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents, Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Young people often lack the skills and experience they need to gain and maintain employment; not for profit organisations often need additional volunteers to assist them. This project would match volunteers with organisations that can provide the work experience and the references job seekers need to gain employment. Volunteers frequently find employment with these organisations.

What is your idea?
An ‘App’ would be developed that gives local community organisations the opportunity to request volunteers for their projects. This ‘App’ would outline the tasks that would be undertaken and the anticipated skills that would be gained. Project participants would develop a profile outlining the skills they are seeking and their availability and interests. This ‘App’ would be promoted to community organisations through local area networks, interagency meetings and agency visits.

Participants would develop a job readiness plan with their coordinator and would be assisted to identify skills and experiences required to meet their employment goals. Participants would be matched with volunteering opportunities through the ‘App’ and would rotate through various volunteering opportunities to ensure a range of skills are developed. Participants would meet with their coordinator monthly to review their progress.

Participants would also undertake a job readiness workshop series with MDA to assist them to prepare for work. Participants would then be assisted to search for work and be supported through the first 3 months of employment to ensure success.