[Sub ID 4833] Participating young carers (Carers SA)

Submission ID: 4833
Organisation name: Carers SA
State: SA
Contact email: tania@carers-sa.asn.au
Contact number: 8291 5600

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers

What need or issue are you trying to address?
The proposed program is targeting young carers aged 15-24, who are at risk of not achieving education outcomes and/or are facing long-term unemployment due to their caring responsibilities. There are an estimate 25,700 young carers under 24 years living in South Australia.

Some of the issues to address which are affecting education and employment outcomes for Young Carers:
• the demands of their caring role
• disengagement and social isolation
• lower levels of wellbeing and resilience
• health and mental health issues
• lower sense of self-worth and reduced sense of self-efficacy

The Carers SA and the Carer Support Network of SA (CSNSA) are collaborating and are supported by SA Health and Medical Research Institute – Wellbeing and Resilience Centre (SAHMRI) to provide intensive interventions for young carers across metropolitan, country and regional areas to raise Wellbeing Resilience and Independence. Raising the level of a young person’s sense of wellbeing and his/her resilience raises skills and capacity of young people to identify meaning and the self-motivation to accomplish goals – and especially those goal leading to increased self-sufficiency and financial independence.

Evidence: SA Young Carer Assessment Research Project 2016 published in: http://www.carers-sa.asn.au

Prof Saul Becker Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVZ_YN1urQk&feature=youtu.be

What is your idea?
SAHMRI will train and support trainers from Carers SA and CSNSA organisation to deliver a specific PERMA+ based youth intervention program based on positive psychology principles which incorporates Dr Martin Seligman’s PERMA dashboard.

Participating Young Carers (YC):
• will receive formal Wellbeing and Resilience Training by Carers SA’s and CSNSA trainers (SAHMRI trained).
• YC of compulsory school age will be motivated to access appropriate service within and outside the education system to (re-)engage with education and training opportunities.
• YC will be supported to access Job Active services with expertise in supporting disadvantaged youth.
• YC aged 17-24 facing multiple barriers to employment will be offered to participate in an Entrepreneurial Youth Program by Inspired BUY Ltd.

The Entrepreneurial Youth Program is a ‘first of its kind’ education and employment platform supporting young carers to gain pre-employment skills within a co-design job creation model, ‘create a job, keep a job!’; and will provide:
• Entrepreneurship training program
• Expert input and training
• Individual employment plan development
• Guaranteed work experience
• Business development support
• Internal case management services
• Direct employment opportunities

Pre- and post- program assessments and feedback will provide results based evaluations of the program.

Carers Australia and the National Network of Carer Associations endorsed this program.