[Sub ID 4838] Peer support workers training (Wesley Mission Victoria)

Submission ID: 4838
Organisation name: Wesley Mission Victoria
Contact name: Ms Angela Dapcevic
State: VIC
Contact email: angela.dapcevic@wesley.org.au

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?

Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Wesley Mission Victoria (Wesley) delivers a range of Human Services across the Eastern Region. As a primary provider of Homelessness and Crisis services we see all too often young people access our services due to variable risk factors such as family and personal factors. These clients are unable to sustain either their employment &/or education due to these issues. In many cases, early intervention would prevent this disengagement and through practical observation and experience we strongly believe that a project such as this that intensively works on mitigating the young person’s risk/s and then re-engages them into further study and employment would see a significant increase in workforce participation and importantly build their capacity to work.

The aim of our proposal is to support young people back into studies by addressing key risk factors they may be experiencing such as mental health, substance misuse, disability etc., to ultimately find and keep long term employment. In an Australian Bureau of Statistics survey conducted in 2007, it was found that a quarter of young people (aged 16-24) had a mental illness. Substance Abuse disorders particularly were more prevalent in young people than any other age group.

What is your idea?
Our idea is to use young peoples’ lived experience of factors, such as mental health to enter the workforce to help similar young people who may be struggling to keep their studies or find employment, all whilst earning an income.

We will support young people to enter the work force as a Peer Support worker. Through their own experiences, they will be able to support similar young people to make the necessary changes to improve their lives.

Our partner Artius, a specialised mental health provider, will ensure that the service is appropriate and effective through their clinical governance and stepped care approach. All the Peer Support workers will be under supervision of Artius Clinical Supervisors.

We will deliver an integrated and coordinated approach that considers the interface between health, employment, housing, and education, ensuring the service offering is coordinated and integrated providing a no wrong door approach for these young people. This will also ensure that we are aligned and respond to the needs within Eastern Melbourne.