[Sub ID 4840] Tools for the Trade (Salvocare Eastern – Youth Services Peninsula)

Submission ID: 4840
Organisation name: Salvocare Eastern – Youth Services Peninsula
Contact name: Ms Stephanie Harrison
State: VIC
Contact email: stephanie.harrison@aus.salvationarmy.org
Contact number: 03 9781018

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
The need to re-engage young people who are at risk of long term unemployment, back into the education and training sectors and to assist them to secure apprenticeships, traineeships and employment.

There are significant pockets of extreme social and financial disadvantage in the Frankston and Mornington Peninsula area. Some of the major factors impacting on the health and well-being of young people in this region are the issue of geographic isolation combined with a scarcity of post school educational and training opportunities and limited job opportunities for young people. According to the World Health Organisation, ‘Social Determinants of Health’, unemployment and job insecurity has been shown to increase effects on mental health – particularly anxiety and depression.

Many disengaged local youth have identified learning difficulties or medical conditions that make mainstream schooling challenging for them. Some youth also face additional challenges including: mental health issues, substance use, lack of family support and criminal behaviour.

The Mornington Peninsula Youth Strategy Group has identified mental health and well-being as significant issues for young people living in the Mornington Shire. A key strategy is to develop coordinated responses so that the best possible care is provided to young people to ensure that they have a healthy future.

What is your idea?
To deliver a program called Tools For The Trade. This program will hold a strong focus on assisting young people to further develop their general life, occupational and social skills which will be achieved by numerous skills development sessions as well as mentoring days and other social connection initiatives.

The Tools For The Trade program would be delivered across an intense 8 week program consisting of several components of skill and personal development. These include Trade Tasters at Chisholm TAFE which provide hands on experience within various trades and provide opportunity for further training.

The program will also provide the young people with several forms of certified training including certificates in First Aid, Food Handling and White Card (construction) to increase the likelihood of being successful in obtaining employment. Resumes will also be produced with professional ongoing support provided to assist the youth in securing employment.

Other components consist of leadership and personal development by addressing the importance of health and well-being, educational industry tours, mentoring days. The program will also deliver the Ropes course in partnership with the Victoria Police and YMCA. This is to assist in the development of building positive relationships and challenging the young people outside their comfort zones.