[Sub ID 4845] Digital platform for victims of domestic violence (Aunty’s House)

Submission ID: 4845
Organisation name: Aunty’s House
Contact name: Ms Simone Ellis
State: NSW
Contact email: simone@auntyshouse.com.au

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents

What need or issue are you trying to address?
There is a complex but strong correlation between the presence of domestic and family violence (DFV) and both short and medium term workforce participation, in particular amongst a younger cohort. Research (National Domestic Violence and the Workplace Survey / ADFVC indicates that one in three Australian women who report violence by a current partner are in paid employment. For young women with children, experiencing intimate partner violence during the transition into adulthood had a negative effect on the likelihood of being employed (Lindhorst et al. 2007) four and five years later.

It is well documented that women experiencing violence and working have greater employment instability. Employed women experiencing violence are often subject to a range of interference tactics by their partner undercutting their ability to maintain regular employment. DFV survivors we spoke to in a series of ‘kitchen table’ conversations (n=72) including 3 generations of Aboriginal women, confirmed this. On the flip side, workforce participation has been shown to be a critical factor in a DFV victim’s empowerment, survivorship, and recovery. Training and employment increases social connectedness and can provide the confidence, financial security and psychological independence for women, men and their children to leave violence behind, and to flourish.

What is your idea?
Aunty’s House and Talk to an Uncle are complementary services that address violent relationships early, taking an holistic, outcomes-focused, community-centric approach.

Aunty’s House is a secondary (early) intervention that offers ‘breathing space’ (temporary accommodation and access to professional support services) for women caught up in the early stages of a violent relationship.

Talk to an Uncle is a perpetrator intervention program delivered by trained psychologists via click / call / face options.

Both programs are delivered via bespoke, secure digital platforms allowing clients to remain anonymous and to access critical, ongoing supports including appropriate mentoring, training and employment provided by the community.

By identifying young parents and carers through this platform, we are more effectively able to target ‘high touch’ efforts to support workforce participation and increase / accelerate capacity to work. Both Aunty’s House and Talk to an Uncle digital platforms include fully secure journalling and two-way messaging functionality that allow for more immediate, efficient and personalised casework, delivery of digital resources including online training programs.

The objectives for Aunty’s House / Talk to an Uncle are to:
1. Identify those at risk of welfare dependency early
2. Provide an immediate, accessible and effective ‘safety net’ to establish a critical and fundamental foundation of safety
3. Wrap around each client, an ongoing network of support to nurture her/his wellbeing and provide targeted opportunities, including employment and training, for continued healthy development.