[Sub ID 4848] Set for Success holistic and flexible learning model (3Bridges Community Inc.)

Submission ID: 4848
Organisation name: 3Bridges Community Inc.
Contact name: Ms Bernadette Frawley
State: NSW
Contact email: bernadette.frawley@3bridges.org.au
Contact number: 1300327434

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young carers, Young parents

What need or issue are you trying to address?
The need to provide young carers and young parents a flexible community based collaborative program that promotes their workforce participation in areas they are interested/skilled/capable of maintaining linkages with whilst maintaining their caring roles be it for children or others.

Current employment programs through JSAs, WDO, and others do not adequately acknowledge or respect the role of these young people. The ‘one size fits all’ model of these type of programs clearly is not working because of the length of time young carers and parents rely on government payments to survive and their very small representation in the countries employment figures. There is also evidence that this long term dependence on welfare is becoming an inter-generational issue.

As a collaborative, as individual agencies and together we have observed the issues this cohort faces in gaining employment and the inadequacies of current system to address these issues. Our community experience has shown us that young carers and parents need culturally appropriate and flexible assistance that meets their personal interests and talents to ensure engagement and then access to paid employment.

What is your idea?
We propose a person-centred flexible learning and development model for young carer’s and parents to explore who they are, their career/employment interests, skills and talents. The Set for Success program focuses on self-actualisation; interpersonal skills, self-confidence, communication styles; and the development of practical skills including preparing resumes, interview techniques, communication and presentation skills, job applications and associated computer competencies e.g. typing documents, sending emails and letters. The program will have measureable outcomes and participants are able to set their own SMART goals and measure these from the commencement of the course and encouraged to do this throughout life.

This holistic learning and development model acknowledges that caregiving responsibilities are a priority for participants and will provide a flexible program that combines both face to face and online components (interactive app) together with workforce participation opportunities with intensive support as required by the individual. The focus is on young carer’s and parents achieving individualised program outcomes as opposed to participating in a prescribed finite program which is often dictated by a ‘one size fits all’ model. Our program has points of difference as research shows the current workforce pathways and employment models are currently not achieving long term sustainable employment for this group of young carer’s and parents.

The program will be run in an inclusive community based hub space where participants feel safe, their unique needs acknowledged and are fully supported by community workers, employers and mentors. Community facilities including childcare and respite service referrals will be made where possible.

Volunteer mentors from local businesses, educational providers and community groups will be involved in the program to provide ongoing support for the participants as they transition from the program to undertaking employment strategies and to acknowledge achievements and support future goals.