[Sub ID 4853] Two generational employment approach (Uniting Care Tasmania)

Submission ID: 4853
Organisation name: Uniting Care Tasmania
Contact name: Mrs Donna Lashmar
State: TAS
Contact email: donna.lashmar@tas.unitingcare.org.au
Contact number: 0421575717

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young parents

What need or issue are you trying to address?
As the priority group data demonstrates, having a baby at a young age can disrupt education and increase the barriers to finding and keeping a job. This often leads to long-term welfare dependency and poorer life outcomes for young parents and their children. The children of young parents are more likely to have lower levels of emotional support and cognitive stimulation, lower educational achievement and be unemployed or underemployed.

It is important to have an intergenerational approach to these issues. Support young parents now and improve the outcomes for the next generation.

What is your idea?
The issue should be addressed with a client lead approach to accessing programs and support.

When a young parent first registers for parenting payment a “welcome baby” gift consisting of baby items and details of DSS funded parenting programs and incentive vouchers / payment for attending and completing the courses should be supplied. These evidence informed programs are designed to enhance parenting skills, knowledge and confidence as well as self esteem, motivation etc. They are resourced to provide wrap around support including child care. When the baby reaches 12 months of age (or older) the second stage of the programs are offered which continue the focus of positive parenting but also incorporates additional work readiness training, education, mentoring, etc.

As the parent progresses through the programs they are rewarded and celebrated. This concept can be designed to commence at any stage of a young parent’s life such as when their child is aged two or three or older. It is important that the value of the role of parenting is recognised and nurtured to ensure positive outcomes for their children as much as the education and employment of the young parents. This approach aims to address possible intergenerational disadvantage and workforce participation.