[Sub ID 4879] Talent Management Platform (Global Education Solutions)

Submission ID: 4879
Organisation name: Global Education Solutions
State: VIC

To alleviate long term youth employment and welfare dependency of young people, we propose to use a digital talent management platform with a personalised career development mobile application for students, parents, carers.

This tool will in a structured way empower this priority group of young people to understand themselves, how they might fit into the changing world of work, what knowledge, skills, attributes they need to do to create their own future career paths, how to set smart goals and who can help them develop employability skills, pre-requisite education and training to transition to the workforce.

The platform will also connect all key stakeholders including employers, educators, government, service providers so they can meaningfully and appropriately engage with the young person to gauge aspirations, career plans, identify and nurture talent through mentoring, work exposure and necessary support through early identification of risk.

The platform organically captures data through multiple integrated sources, which can provide evidence and insights to shape policy directives, refine current service offerings to enhance efficiencies, scale, and impact. The data driven approach also ensures that young people make well informed decisions about occupations and courses that best fit them, to improve their chances of completion, and finding or creating work.