[Sub ID 4435] Career information and job searching centre (Adam, NSW)

Submission ID: 4435


Our idea is for a easy to use and engaging web and smartphone based app that supports youths to identify and obtain a suitable job for them. The app would aggregate information from a range of different sources into a single user interface.

The objective is to make it easy and accessible for youths to have career guidance and support. The old method of career counselors and career coaches is outdated, inaccessible and expensive so are not suitable for the target groups.

The ABS reports that internet usage and smartphone penetration is the highest among the youth segment in Australia whilst Nielsen cites that youths spend over 7.2 hours a week on their smartphone. So it makes perfect sense that a solution fits into their current behavior and how they consume information.

This app would be accessible via a website or app and would be a free source of information that youths can access 24/7 that could be promoted across government and educational services. It could also tie in and promote other relevant government training and programs.