[Sub ID 4319] Child care and case management for young parents (Anglicare WA)

Submission ID: 4319
Organisation name: Anglicare WA
State: WA
Contact email: shae.garwood@anglicarewa.org.au

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young parents

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Anglicare WA utilised a brief Human Centred Design process to inform this submission, which generated the following insights:

Young parents struggle with finding flexible child care to access employment. Sole parenting also leaves many socially isolated. Many young parents are anxious about utilising child care services, but that anxiety is not so present when talking about school.

The ability to access child care is essential for parents to address the structural, emotional and social barriers that prevent them from engaging in employment.

What is your idea?
Co-locate holistic young parents services (including parenting skills, psychosocial support, employment and education support) with 3 year old kindy. Provide 3 year old kindy for free to children of young parents. Young parents support is flexible and includes both group work provision and individual case management.