[Sub ID 4425] Young Parent ‘lift-off’ program (Kristy NSW)

Submission ID: 4425
State: NSW

About the submitter:
Former Community Development Worker and Trainer/Assessor of Community Services.

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young parents

What need or issue are you trying to address?
The need being addressed by the ‘lift off’ program is young mothers employability; the issues being addressed are their lack of skills, knowledge and confidence. Young mothers became mothers when they were in their formative years and thus likely missed out on important aspects of becoming an adult such as completing educational pursuits, developing the work skills and confidence that would have developed had they of not entered the world of parenting. It has also been shown that young mothers are often from backgrounds of intergenerational welfare dependence and that they may not of had strong working role models. By virtue of being a young mother they have often been stigmatised, segregated and denied opportunities they would of otherwise had; had they of not chosen parenting at a young age. Young mothers face a myriad of barriers to employment, however often their greatest barrier is their self-esteem.

What is your idea?
The program aims to assist young mothers to gain employment through confidence building, practical training, mentoring and work placement. Taking a three pronged approach young mothers employability would be increased through:
– Workshops, training and workplace tours – At the completion of training participants will be more confident to approach an employer and workplace, having had their apprehensions eased. They will know what employers are seeking in an employee and be able to meet those expectations. They will be able to identify appropriate opportunities, submit applications and interview adequately.
– Women in business mentoring (participants mentorees) – Would provide the young mothers with positive stories of their journeys into working life, providing role models to whom the participants can aspire to.
– Work placement or traineeship – Would give the young mothers workplace exposure, practical experience and provide the opportunity to gain an industry referee. There could also be the added benefit of lifting the stigma and improve perceptions of young mothers; demonstrating to employers, that they are valuable employees.