[Sub ID 4496] Online volunteer matching platform (GoodCompany)

Submission ID: 4496
Organisation name: GoodCompany
Contact name: Mr Ash Rosshandler
State: VIC
Contact email: ash@goodcompany.com.au
Contact number: 0414400445

Which priority group of the Try, Test and Learn Fund does your idea support?
Young students at risk of long-term unemployment

What need or issue are you trying to address?
Young students need to find challenging and appropriate work experience opportunities that enhance their skills and future employment prospects. These meaningful work experience opportunities are few and far between. Meanwhile, non profits (who employ over 1 million Australians) are increasingly seeking young volunteers who are willing to undertake meaningful and practical skilled project work. How do we know this problem exists? As the CEO of GoodCompany – Australia’s largest Corporate Volunteering Platform that supports over 1500 charities – we see this need every day both from students and from non profits. This issue is supported by the Department of Employment but at present the right programs do not seem to be in place to make the connection. https://www.employment.gov.au . This is we can assist.

What is your idea?
GoodStudents will be Australia’s first skilled volunteering matching platform focused on young students. Students will be able to filter volunteering opportunities based on cause, location, skills/subjects, team size and availability. Similar to the GoodCompany platform www.goodcompany.com.au – which matches professionals with volunteer opportunities – the GoodStudents platform measure how many students are engaged, how many hours have been volunteered, the savings to community groups and impact created. Students who complete a volunteering project will get certification which they can use on their CV, LinkedIn and other platforms. And Government will help us promote to prospective employers the value of GoodStudents certification.