Shaping the future of disability policy for 2020 and beyond – Stage 1 consultations

All consultation is now closed.
Stage 2 Consultations – Now Open
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Stage 1 consultations during April to July 2019. The release of the Stage 1 consultation report Right to opportunity: Consultation report to help shape the next national disability strategy highlighted the need for the new Strategy to be designed directly with people with disability.
The findings from Stage 1 consultations have been used to inform the development of a new National Disability Strategy Position Paper (Position Paper) that forms the basis of the Stage 2 consultations. The Position Paper provides an overview of what governments think should be in the new Strategy.
Stage 2 consultations are now open (29 July – 30 September) and we invite you to read the Position Paper, and provide a submission via email or by answering the questions in the guided questionnaire.
Your feedback will be used to further develop the new Strategy to help deliver better outcomes for all people with disability.
National Disability Strategy Consultations Deferred
The second stage of consultations with people with disability on a new National Disability Strategy for beyond 2020 were due to take place in the coming weeks. However, following the escalation of events surrounding the Australian response to COVID-19, the decision has been taken to defer the consultations.
This decision reflects the advice of the National Disability Strategy Reform Steering Group, which includes a number of key disability and carer sector stakeholders. The Steering Group will reassess the opportunity to implement the next phase of consultation in June 2020. A decision will be made then to determine if some or all of the consultations can proceed at that time.
The development of a new 10 year National Disability Strategy is of critical importance to the national disability policy agenda in Australia. The delay in consultations will not have any direct impact on the provision of services for people with disability. Governments remain committed to a new NDS and believe it is essential that Australians with disability have a real and robust opportunity to have their say on the Strategy and contribute to its development. Our aim is to ensure Australians with disability get this opportunity at a time that is appropriate for them.
For more information on COVID-19 you can visit which is updated regularly with the most up-to-date public health information, prevention strategies and resources.
All consultation is now closed.
Consultation report
The consultation report Right to opportunity: Consultation report to help shape the next national disability strategy has been released and is available in a variety of accessible formats.
The National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 is about creating a more inclusive society that enables Australians with disability to fulfil their potential as equal citizens.
It is also the main way Australia implements the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Australia, making sure people with disability can participate in all areas of Australian life.
The Strategy is a shared commitment by all governments to work together to improve the lives of Australians with disability by guiding governments and other organisations to build the wellbeing of people with disability and their carers.
Shaping the next national disability strategy
At the end of 2020 the Strategy will end and governments across Australia are working together to develop a new strategy for beyond 2020.
There has been a lot of change to disability policy and service delivery since the current Strategy started in 2011. A recent independent review has shown that many parts of the current strategy are working well and the Strategy’s overall principles and goals are valuable and important, however the review also showed there are still areas for improvement, particularly on how the strategy is implemented.
We need to make sure the new strategy reflects the changing policy environment and builds on opportunities available today as well as what may emerge over the next decade, this includes considering the findings from the Productivity Commission’s Review of the National Disability Agreement.
Thank you for having your say
During April to July 2019, the Australian community was invited to take part in national consultation to shape a new national disability strategy. People with disability, their families, carers, advocates and providers shared their experiences, stories and ideas in community workshops, the online survey and through the online discussion forums.
The information and insights provided through the consultations is being used to inform the new strategy.
Governments are committed to continuing to work with people with disability to collaboratively develop the new strategy.
All levels of government will propose their shared vision of a new strategy in advance of the next consultation phase in early 2020.
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