Rights In Action Incorporated
RRenton robyn.renton@rightsinaction.org Rights In Action Incorporated Advocacy agency Thank you for the opportunity to submit feedback on the Review of the NDAP discussion paper.
RRenton robyn.renton@rightsinaction.org Rights In Action Incorporated Advocacy agency Thank you for the opportunity to submit feedback on the Review of the NDAP discussion paper.
John Chesterman john.chesterman@justice.vic.gov.au. Victorian Office of the Public Advocate Other Independent Statutory Office
Vanessa Browne zoom@bigpond.net.au Person with disability I am the mother of an adult child with severe intellectual disability who cannot communicate with spoken language. The…
DNF yael@ncoss.org.au NSW Disability Network Forum Advocacy agency
ATSIDNQ atsidnq@qada.org.au Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Disability Network of Queensland Person with disability
Family Advocacy cecile@family-advocacy.com The Institute of Family Advocacy and Leadership Development Advocacy agency Please see the submission for the National Disability Advocacy Framework attached.
Rosey Olbrycht manager.citizenadvocacy@gmail.com Citizen Advocacy South Australia Inc Advocacy agency Dear Sir/Madam, Citizen Advocacy South Australia Incorporated has initiated over three hundred relationships of support…
Jenny Harrison jm.harrison@bigpond.com Individual Submission Carer of a person with disability
ADAI admin@advocacyfordisability.org.au Advocacy for Disability Access and Inclusion Inc Advocacy agency
akennedy andrewk@brq.org.au Person with disability
Fiona May manager@adacas.org.au ACT Disability, Aged & Carer Advocacy Service Advocacy agency
Rosey Olbrycht manager.citizenadvocacy@gmail.com Person with disability Dear Sir/Madam Citizen Advocacy South Australia Incorporated has initiated over three hundred relationships of support for people with intellectual…
MariaLuisaCArter mlcinitaly@gmail.com Person with disability From: Mary Lou Carter & family To: The Review Committee National Disability Advocacy Framework 31 July, 2015 Time does not…
Tony6667 tone666@icloud.com Spinal Cord Injuries Australia Person with disability Please find attached the submission from Spinal Cord Injuries Australia. Kind regards, Tony Jones
Donna McAleese mcaleese@iinet.net.au Family member of a person with disability
Susan Smidt admin@dias.net.au Disability Information Advocacy Service Inc. Advocacy agency Please find my submission on the Review of the National Disability Advocacy Framework attached.
eddiechapman eddiec@acd.org.au Association for Children with a Disability Advocacy agency ACD is pleased to provide our submission to the review of the National Disability Advocacy…
Margaret Ryan margaret@jacksonryan.com.au JacksonRyan Partners Other Concerned members of the public
QADA geoff.rowe@qada.org.au Qld Aged & Disability Advocacy Inc (QADA) Advocacy agency Please find attached a Submission from QADA.
aliwilson aj.arwilson@optusnet.com.au Family member of a person with disability I am writing a submission as I have concerns that with the roll out of the…