Consultation on the Intercountry Adoption Family Support Service

This consultation has now closed.
The Government has heard calls from the intercountry adoption sector, particularly adult adoptees, for greater involvement in service design and development. In response to these calls, the Government is holding consultations to ensure that the Intercountry Adoption Family Support Service (ICAFSS) continues to meet the needs of those who have experienced intercountry adoption.
This consultation aims to capture the voices of the intercountry adoption community in the redesign of the service, recognising the significant benefits gained from the involvement of those with lived experience.
To ensure that the ICAFSS continues to meet the needs of the community, we encourage responses to the Discussion Paper from adoptees and their families, prospective adoptive parents, service providers, professionals, academics and other stakeholders.
If you or a family member need immediate help or counselling, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or beyondblue on 1300 224 636.
You can access intercountry adoption counselling support through the ICAFSS by calling the Intercountry Adoption Support Team on 1300 543 396 or emailing More information can be found on Relationship Matters’ website.