Chair of the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) – Expressions of Interest

The Department of Social Services (DSS) is seeking nominations for the Chair of the National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) Board.
Below is a description of the NDRP, the role of the NDRP Chair of the Board (the Chair), and how to apply for this position. The information is also available in Easy Read and Auslan.
About the NDRP
The NDRP is an Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (ADS) initiative and is being set up to be an independent not-for-profit Company governed by a Board of Directors.
The NDRP will facilitate collaborative and inclusive disability research, so we have better policy and practice for people with disability in Australia. It will achieve this through:
- funding research done by and with people with disability
- implementing the NDRP research agenda
- strengthening disability research capacity
- making findings accessible to the disability community and policy and decision makers.
All of the NDRP’s decisions will be guided by the NDRP principles.
The Australian Government announced funding of $15 million over 2022-23 to 2024-25 to fully establish the NDRP. Attracting funding for research from a range of sources will be important to support the NDRP’s independence.
Following a three-year establishment phase, which resulted in a set of recommendations by the NDRP Working Party, the NDRP is expected to be established as a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee and registered as a charity in early 2024.
The NDRP is currently being set-up with an interim Board, which will be replaced by a full Board around mid-2024.
Chair of the Board
The first full Board position to be filled is the Chair. The Chair is a high-profile position with significant influence. We are looking for someone to fill the Chair role who:
- is a person with disability,
- has experience at board level in not-for-profit or government organisations, and
- understands research, research impact and knowledge translation.
The Chair must be independent of government; that is, not employed by a Commonwealth, state or territory government. They must not be disqualified under the Corporation Act 2001, by the Australian Charities Not-for-profit Commission or any other regulatory authority.
Some of the key things the Chair will be responsible for include
- Ensuring the NDRP Guiding Principles are upheld, together with the rest of the Board and the NDRP staff.
- Working closely with the NDRP CEO to oversee the NDRP’s activities.
- Being the public face of the NDRP to its broader stakeholders and the community.
- Providing leadership to the Board, including making sure information is provided clearly and in a timely manner, chairing meetings, acting as a conduit for information between the board, the NDRP’s members and broader stakeholders.
- Facilitating open and constructive communications amongst board members and encouraging their contribution to board deliberations.
- Ensuring that the Board has enough information to understand the NDRP’s financial position, strategic performance, operations and the opportunities and challenges facing the organisation.
Deciding the Chair
The applications will be assessed and shortlisted by the Australia’s Disability Strategy Advisory Council (the Advisory Council). The Advisory Council’s recommendations will be provided to the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, for her consideration.
As part of this process, DSS will collect and share information with the Advisory Council, as well as with relevant ministers. Information will be collected and shared in accordance with the Privacy collection notice.