Public consultations for the NDS and NDIS Outcomes Frameworks

This consultation has now closed.
Improving Outcomes for people with disability
The Australian Government, and state and territory governments have agreed to develop a better way to measure and report outcomes for people with disability and track the effectiveness of the new National Disability Strategy (NDS) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This will be done through joint NDS and NDIS Outcomes Frameworks.
The Outcomes Frameworks will capture progress towards desired outcomes for all people with disability in Australia, including but not limited to those who receive support through the NDIS.
Stage 2 Consultation Reports now released
Consultation on the draft Outcomes Frameworks was undertaken October to December 2020 as part of Stage 2 consultations on the new National Disability Strategy.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultations. 74 submissions were received on the Outcomes Frameworks during the consultation period.
Overall, public submissions provided positive support for the proposed measures and structure of the NDS and the NDIS Outcomes Frameworks.
The key issues raised during consultations were:
- the need to measure and report on “Access” across outcome areas
- the need for disaggregated and better quality data, including requests for specific data sets
- greater transparency, reporting, and accountability.
Three consultations reports have been released, focussing on the targeted workshops, public submissions, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Engagement. The consultation reports can be viewed and are available in variety of accessible formats.
Consultation: Outcomes Frameworks Introductory Paper
The Australian Government, and state and territory governments undertook engagement with people with disability, stakeholders and members of the public to inform the development of the Outcomes Frameworks.
We released an Outcomes Frameworks Introductory Paper which formed the basis of this public consultation. The aim of this process is to help governments to understand the most important things to measure and report. This way the public and governments will know if the work being done at all levels of government are achieving improvements for people with disability.
In addition to seeking responses to the Introductory Paper, we also held roundtable consultations with disability sector stakeholders, such as Disability Representative Organisations, peak bodies and other experts.
We will use the workshop, roundtable and data from this consultation to inform the development of the NDS and NDIS Outcomes Frameworks.
Consultation on the Outcomes Frameworks Introductory Paper Closed 18 December 2020.
Developing a new National Disability Strategy
The Australian Government is leading the development of a new NDS for beyond 2020. Governments across Australia are working together in consultation with people with disability to develop the new NDS.
On 29 July 2020, the second stage of consultations on the new NDS opened asking for feedback on the governments’ proposals for the next NDS, as set out in the National Disability Strategy position paper. The position paper recognises that one of the main objectives of the new NDS is to have a real impact on improving the lives of people with disability.
Consultation on the NDS Position Paper Closed 31 October 2020.