Disability Employment Services Reform Nov 2016

Anne Teal

Person with disability I am a person with s significant physical disability from a stroke and have had one since I was 7 years old…

Tony Heron

Carer/family of a person with disability In order to make changes to the current system you need to look at ADEs and the NDIS. Many…


Carer/family of a person with disability The government needs to look at the term disability and not make it so broad. People who are jobseekers…

Adrian Gilchrist

Person with disability As a jobseeker with a disability who is registered with a DES provider, my requirements (be they geographically, the number of hours…

Cheryl Fitzpatrick

Service provider I comment as a private citizen who has a disability, but my comments are informed by over 20 years experience working with students…

Susan Henson

Carer/family of a person with disability Disability Employment Services need to work TOGETHER rather than compete with each other to assist people with disability find…

Yuri Gregorian

Person with disability Im not not smart guy. I do want a job very much, Im 36 and have not had a job since 2000.…

Jeremy Keith Evans

Person with disability Find me a job I can do. It’s not like I’m unemployable. I’ve tried to find employment on many occasions but have…