Future Directions of the Financial Wellbeing and Capability Activity


Preventative medicine has long been recognised as a successful means of improving the overall health of the community. My suggestion is that a similar procedure…

Stable Help Inc

5.1What do you see as the key issues involved in evaluating the FWC Activity? “Peoples lives cannot be reduced to a statistic. Their complexities cannot…


We at MOCSIS have met and discussed your proposals and we have very real concerns that what you are planning will destroy the fabric we…

Wyndarra Centre

It is very disapointing to read about the changes to this program. Providers deliver the best service at the moment in the most economic way…

Lifeline Central West

Lifeline Central West is concerned with the proposed changes to the eligibility of people able to access Financial Counselling services. We are concerned that many…

Blue Sky Community Group

We previously had emergency relief funds for the North East Metropolitan area of Perth. We also had Financial Counselling funding. When funding ended we referred…