Review of the Coordination and Funding of Financial Counselling Services Across Australia – Complete a survey
Ms Louise Sylvan AM welcomes your input to her independent Review of the Coordination and Funding of Financial Counselling Services across Australia. The Review is being conducted in a compressed timeline – responses would be appreciated by 5:00pm on Wednesday, 20 March 2019. While the Review will accept submissions after this date, due to the timeframes surrounding the Review we will have diminishing capacity to consider the views contained in submissions received after this date.
Please note: These surveys may be submitted anonymously. If you wish to submit a de-identified form, please do not complete the demographic details on the first page.
Organisations may choose to fill out this survey, or send a contribution via e-mail. If the latter, please see the brief Issues Paper for areas that are under consideration and send your contribution to There is no expectation that contributions will cover all questions in this survey but that responses reflect the experiences and expertise of the individual or organisation.