Consultation on Self Directed Supports Registration

In December 2023, the Independent Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS Review) recommended the Australian Government ‘develop and deliver a risk-proportionate model for the visibility and regulation of all providers and workers in the NDIS and strengthen the regulatory response to long-standing and emerging quality and safeguards issues’.
In February 2024, the government established the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce (the Taskforce) to provide expert advice on the design and implementation of the new graduated risk proportionate regulatory model proposed by the NDIS Review.
Following extensive consultation with the disability community, the Taskforce advice was released on 2 August 2024. The Taskforce made several recommendations on a new regulatory model that will require further consultation with the disability community.
This consultation focuses on the Taskforce recommendations for participants who self-direct their own supports. The new model will be designed to uphold the rights of participants who self-direct their supports while providing visibility of these arrangements to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission).
Consultation with the disability community is critical to the government’s decision making on the implementation approach for a new regulatory model. The information you provide during this consultation period is an important part of ensuring the government can make decisions about registration based on the way you use your supports.
There will be other opportunities to engage with consultations on the design and implementation of the regulatory model proposed by the Taskforce. Consultation on the definition of a provider will occur in the coming weeks. Please sign up to DSS Engage for further updates on this and any other consultation processes.
The NDIS Commission is also undertaking consultation activities on the way the NDIS is regulated. You can find more information on these consultations on the NDIS Commission’s reform hub.
You can read more about the Taskforce on the DSS website.
Have your say:
This consultation focuses on the implementation of Category C: Service for One/Self-Directed Support Registration, as recommended by the Taskforce.
The consultation paper builds upon the Taskforce advice and seeks feedback on the following key areas:
- Definition of self-directed supports
- Proposed obligations for registered self-directed participants
- Support from the NDIS Commission
Read the Consultation paper:
Consultation paper: PDF [227kB] | Listen to PDF | WORD [244kB]
There are 8 questions on areas of specific interest to assist you with your submission. These questions are a guide only. The department will review all submissions.
Easy Read:
An easy read version of this document is available: PDF [2.5MB] | Listen to PDF
There is also an easy read version of the survey, with the same questions included in the easy read consultation paper. If you would like to answer these questions, select this option at the start of the survey.