Public consultations for the NDS and NDIS Outcomes Frameworks –
Introductory Paper
This introductory paper supports the Australian Government’s consultations on the proposed approach to measure and report outcomes for people with disability and track the effectiveness of the new National Disability Strategy (NDS) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The NDS and NDIS Outcomes Frameworks will track progress over time to determine whether the lives of people with disability are improving.
The introductory paper is available in the following accessible formats:
- Introductory Paper – PDF [781 kB] | DOCX [587 kB] |
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- Easy Read version of the Introductory Paper and the guided questionnaire – PDF [4.6 MB] | DOCS [47 kB]
- Auslan translation of the Introductory Paper and guided questionnaire
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Frequently asked question and answers ( PDF [6 kB] | DOCS [20 kB] )